Restore Copacabaña Lodge

direct booking

Our kitchen

Hotel Copacabaña Lodge

Eating or drinking has to be a pleasure, not a necessity.

It is time to share a good moment with your partner, your family or your friends. A good preparation should activate all the senses: sight, smell, taste, touch and even hearing...

But more than ever, it is important to have a responsible and healthy diet. Our Chef prepares a homemade meal with organic products from our garden or from neighboring communities, with a Franco-Peruvian fusion to please your palate. Our specialty is delicious desserts and pure fruit ice creams.

You can visit us for lunch without having to stay at Copacabana Lodge, but always with a prior reservation at 943 677 593 or 943 626 468.

We remind you that it is forbidden to bring food from abroad and we charge a cork fee for each bottle.